Louisville Ironman
Volunteer registration for the Ironman Triathlon here in Louisville opened up yesterday. My triathlon ability has not taken me to this level (yet), but I really enjoy being a part of this day. I volunteered last year and it was a great experience. I’ve already signed up to work in Transition 1 (swim to bike) again this year. It takes over 2,000 volunteers to put one of these races together, and the outcome is pretty impressive. This year’s race is on Sunday, August 29, 2010.
If you have a group (school, church, work) that you want to get together to work an aid station, you can do that too.
Here’s the link to sign up:
Louisville 2010 Ironman Volunteer Registation
See you there!!
45 minutes of weights (back, chest, shoulders and abs)
52 minutes in the pool
5 minute warm-up
1 mile swim in 33:39
10 minutes of drills and cool-down
Total Workout: 2448yd (1.39mi) in 52:00
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