Solid Steps Radio

A few weeks ago I received a message on Facebook from an old friend. He co-hosts a weekly radio show / podcast and he wanted to know if I would be a guest on his show. He was putting together a show to encourage men to start exercising. I jumped at the chance as I’m always looking for new avenues and opportunities to help people in their journey to improve their lives through nutrition and fitness.

The hour-long radio show is called Solid Steps Radio and can be found on your FM dial at 94.7 WFIA every Saturday morning at 10am and Sunday at noon. They also record the show and put into into a podcast format (I was frankly surprised that they actually still put it out over the radio waves). The podcast for this and previous episodes can be downloaded on iTunes or through Soundcloud. Solid Steps Radio is a show designed to engage, encourage and equip men to ask tough questions of themselves, and to live out their destiny as men, by God’s design. But of course, the information often pertains to women as well.

This wasn’t my first experience behind the microphone as I recorded a monthly segment for Pure Fit Radio back in 2010-2011. I reported on the race calendar for the state of Kentucky. I recorded a 5-minute audio file and uploaded it to their website. They had a correspondent for each state and visitors to their website could search for their state and get an update through the short audio file. They also had a nationally broadcast radio show and a podcast. Those recordings that I did were just done through a cheap microphone connected to my laptop. The Solid Steps Radio recording was done in a real studio, with expensive equipment and fancy hand signals and radio terminology. I had to hold back from doing my Casey Kasem voice. I tuned in to listed to a put of the show on Saturday morning and my kids thought it was hilarious to hear Daddy on the radio. I was a little nervous about how I would sound (your own voice always sounds weird when you hear it), but I was surprised that it wasn’t that bad.

The hosts of the show are Kurt Sauder and Chad Russell. I was part of three-person a “health and fitness” panel and was joined by Jason Hawkins (world-ranked speed golfer) and Matthew Pryor (a personal trainer and author).

It was a fun group and we talked about what playing a round of golf in 45 minutes looks like, how to get started in triathlons and some easy ways to just get yourself moving if you can’t seem to get motivated to get off the couch. We also talked about what just a few minutes of exercise each day can do to improve your relationships and performance at work. The podcast contains a bonus segment where we took a dive into nutrition and how to make some easy changes to you diet to help improve the way you feel and ultimately how you treat those around you. I had a great time and all but begged Chad to invite me back sometime!

Here are the links to the podcast.

Solid Steps Radio on SoundCloud

Solid Steps Radio on iTunes

Be sure and visit all of my sponsor’s websites. I sought out these companies because they provide great products and services.

Wishing you optimal health and peak performance,

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