Eat right….even on Thanksgiving

Here’s some tips to make sure that you don’t blow your healthy eating habits over the holidays.

1. Eat slow…enjoy the food. You can go back for seconds later in the day.
2. Eat lots of turkey! It’s lean, low in calories and delicious!
3. Load up on sweet potatoes, green beans and spinach…take small portions of casseroles.
4. The holidays are a fun time to enjoy holiday-specific foods, like pumpkin pie and stuffing, so avoid foods that you can have any time of year, like bread with butter, cheese and crackers, high calorie cocktails, and box-mix brownies or cookies.
5. If the weather allows, do something outside after the meal. Take a walk, throw some football, etc.

Did some pyramid intervals at the track in the gym. I call this workout “Twin Peaks”…for obvious reasons. Lap count was 2,4,6,8,6,4,2,4,6,8,6,4,2 with a minute rest between each interval. Here’s a chart of my distance and pace.

Total time for 13 intervals (including rest periods) was 43:56. Not included in this time is a 10 minute warm-up, 5 minute cool-down and 10 minutes of stretching. As you can see, my pace increased (I slowed down) on the last few long intervals. Pretty tough workout, I’ll definitely keep this one around.

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