Feet. Meet Road.

Went for a 4 mile run this morning – weather was perfect! Got started right as the sun was coming up around 6:45 or so, and it was cool enough that I didn’t even get a very good sweat going. Ran 4 miles in 31:56 (7:58/mile).

I decided to wear my heart rate monitor (HRM) this morning in addition to the normal watch I use for timing my training runs. I don’t have one of those cool watches that does both…maybe Santa reads this blog! I’ve worn my HRM on the bike before and once before on a run. My heart rate started off in the 150’s, but by the time I was a few miles in, it was holding steady around 163 or so. I don’t know much about heart rate training, but I do know that you should be in the 70-75% of your max heart rate (MHR) during a base training run. Where I was today, the low 160’s, is around 80% of my MHR.

What does this all mean? I’m not entirely sure, but plan to find out. I recently purchased “The Triathletes Training Bible” by Joe Friel. I know that he discusses training based on heart rate and lactate threshold, so I look forward to learning exactly how to use my heart rate data to improve my training.

Another thing I recently learned about has to do with your running cadence. I’ll discuss this tomorrow…pretty interesting stuff.

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