Shelbyville Sprint Triathlon Series

Registration opened yesterday for the first Triathlon I plan to participate in during 2010. There are a total of 4 races, all sprint distances. They are held at the Clear Creek Park in Shelbyville, KY. If you are new to triathlon or have thought about doing a race, this would be a great starting point. Swim is indoors in a pool and none of the distances are too daunting (unless you are reading this from your couch…where you’ve been since Thanksgiving). I’m using this race as part of my training and to practice my transitions. Hoping to destroy last year’s time.

Race #1 January 31
3K Run/6 Mile Bike/400 yd Swim

Race #2 February 21
5K Run/12 Mile Bike/400 yd Swim

400 yd Swim/12 Mile Bike/5K Run color>

Race #4 May 2
400 yd Swim/16 Mile Bike/5K Run

Running intervals, exact same workout as this one. One mile warm-up, 10 minutes of drills, then the intervals. Total time was 57:52 including the rest between each interval.

As you may have noticed, the swim distance for the Shelbyville Tri that I’m racing is only 400 yards. So after a quick warm-up, I wanted to see what my time would be for this distance. I swam 17 lengths (408yd) in 7:25. I did this race last year and my swim time was 8:14. So I’m pleased with the increased speed…and I wasn’t even going at 100% like I will on race day. After the 400yd swim, I swam 888yd (1/2 mile) at a steady, comfortable pace. Time for the 1/2 was 16:29

For those keeping track, I’ve completed 5hr 40min of my planned 12hrs for this week. The week is half over…so far, so good!

One Response to “Shelbyville Sprint Triathlon Series”

  1. Jessica Powell, Vogue Visions Photography December 17, 2009 at 4:56 PM #

    Good job, babe!

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