Swim Aerobic Threshold Test

During the first week of my training plan, I did Aerobic Threshold tests for both biking and running. I was scheduled to do the swim test on the next Monday…but my ankle injury the day before put this test off. I finally felt that my ankle was no longer hampering my swimming, so I went ahead and did the test this morning.

These aerobic threshold tests are crucial to tracking my training progress in the build-up to Ironman. I will record the data from these tests to ensure that I am indeed getting faster as the training progresses.

So here’s what I did this morning (pool is only 24 yards long, so that’s why the distances are weird):
96yd free (1:36)
30 sec rest
48yd with kick board (1:43)
30 sec rest
96yd free (1:35)
30 sec rest
48yd with kick board (1:31)
1:30 rest
Main Set: This set will establish my “T-time.”
1008yd at a constant pace and good effort, as if racing (My time was 18:52).
I then took this 18:52 time and divided by 10 to find my average pace per 100. This pace is my “T-pace” or “T-time”. Mine is 1:53.
1:30 rest
240yd free (4:53)

The goal is to see an increase in my average 100 yard/meter speed without an increase in perceived exertion.

After this test, I did about 35 minutes of weights (squats, dead lifts, shoulder presses and flat bench presses).

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