Tax deduction for gym membership?

The Personal Health Investment Today Act of 2009 or the PHIT Act of 2009 was introduced in the House on April 27, 2009.

It amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a medical care tax deduction for up to $1,000 ($2,000 for married couples filing jointly or heads of household) of qualified sports and fitness expenses. It defines “qualified sports and fitness expenses” as amounts paid for fitness center memberships, physical exercise programs, and exercise equipment. The act was referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

Covered expenses include:

• Youth camp & physical activity fees
• Membership and dues in a health club
• Exercise/fitness classes or instruction (personal trainer)
• Sports league fees (adult and youth)
• Marathon/Triathlon registration fees !!!!
• Equipment used exclusively for participation in physical exercise/activities

Excluded expenses include:

• Expenses incurred from private clubs owned and operated by members
• Clubs offering golf, hunting, sailing and horseback riding activities
• Apparel and footwear not used exclusively for physical activity
• Travel and accommodation expenses associated with participation in physical activity

So call or email your legislators’ offices and encourage them to pass HR 2105 when they are back in session next week. Find their contact info here.


45 minutes of weights, then 1/2 mile in the pool
Due to the crazy length of the gym pool, the actual distance swam was 864 yards (16 yards short of a half mile).
Time was 17:24
This is a little slower than I would like, but I was really concentration on good form, so I knew that I was going a little slow. Alternated breathing from left side to right side on each lap.

I would also like to quickly mention that Jessica, Kate and I attended the Louisville Ironman volunteer appreciation party at Slugger Field last night. It was a pretty fun time. Dinner, live music, lots of door prizes, etc. It’s cool to see all the people that operate behind the scenes on an event this big!

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