TriFest Race Preview

My string of 4 races in 15 days comes to a close this weekend. I will be competing in two triathlons tomorrow morning as part of TriFest, a Sprint at 8am and an Olympic at 10am.

The Sprint distance triathlon consists of a 750 meter swim in Taylorsville Lake, a 20K (12.4 mile) bike and a 5K (3.1 mile) run. Almost as soon as this race is complete, we will do it again…with the distance all being doubled. The Olympic distance triathlon will require us to swim 1500 meters, bike 40K (24.8 miles) and run 10K (6.2 miles). There is also a half-Ironman race Sunday morning as part of TriFest, but I will not be doing that race…for fear of complete mental and physical destruction!
As far as goals are concerned for this race, I’m not really sure what to expect. If it was just a Sprint, or just an Olympic, I would have a better idea as to what I want to do. But with having to do them back-to-back…I have no idea how my body will respond. I would like to knock out the Sprint in about an hour and 15 minutes (14 min swim, 38 min bike and 22 minute run, plus transitions). As for the Olympic, I did this same course in 2:35:22 last year…but I didn’t run a Sprint right before it either. So If I can do it under 2:40:00, I’ll be happy.
I’m really excited about this challenge. I’m also excited about being able to rest a few days once it’s over and then get back to training. All of this racing lately has my training routine all messed up!
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