Kelly Anne Hyndman, a kidney function researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham will tell you that staying hydrated is definitely important, but the idea that the simple act of drinking more water will make people healthier isn’t true. Nor is it correct that most people are walking around chronically dehydrated or that we […]
Tag Archives: Hydration
How Dehydration Can Make You Fat and Sick
There is lots of conflicting information out there about how much water we need to drink each day. While I don’t actually keep track, I would guess that I drink somewhere between 90 and 100 ounces of water a day. I have a 24-ounce bottle that I drink from while at work and I probably […]
10 Rules of Health to Live By
Last night I had the privilege of sharing my “10 Rules of Health to Live By” with the Louisville Landsharks, our local multisport club. There was a wonderful turnout and the staff at HopCat did a great job of helping me get set up and keeping everyone’s glass full and the food moving! As I […]