How Dehydration Can Make You Fat and Sick
There is lots of conflicting information out there about how much water we need to drink each day. While I don’t actually keep track, I would guess that I drink somewhere between 90 and 100 ounces of water a day. I have a 24-ounce bottle that I drink from while at work and I probably fill it up three times during the day. I also have several glasses of water with each meal.
But is this enough? Is it too much? When most people think of dehydration, images of shipwreck survivors on a raft at sea or ancient travelers wondering through the desert probably come to mind. It’s hard to believe that someone walking around in twenty-first century America could be dehydrated. There’s literally water coming out of faucets everywhere you go. But it’s happening.

If you could point to the very first thing that determined your health and wellness, it might be water. Or more specifically, drinking enough of it. Depending on your weight and age, the amount of water in the human body ranges from 50-75%.
Based on that number, hydration becomes critical for many of the body’s functions. Some disorders that lack of water can cause include:
Asthma and Allergies
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Skin disorders
Digestive Disorders
Bladder or Kidney Problems
Joint Pain or Stiffness
Weight Gain
Premature Aging.
The graphic below shows just how critical water is to the human body.

Sipping water throughout the day can help curb dehydration and is one of the simplest ways to deal with it. Find a good glass or stainless steel bottle (stay away from plastic) and just take sips from it all day. Go with water at meals as well. For people who struggle in the mornings, having a couple of glasses of water right when you wake up will help boost your blood pressure to normal levels. It will also help clean out your system and get you to the bathroom quickly!
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