Long run
Just got back from an 11 mile run. Weather was perfect (65F and cloudy). Route was pretty flat, mixture of sidewalks and pavement. Started from my office downtown and went down 3rd Street and Southern Pkwy all the way to New Cut Road and back…exactly 5.5 miles each way – with a bonus water fountain at miles 4.5 and 6.5! The having to stop at several intersections running down 3rd Street is kind of annoying, but there’s no way around it…plus I had to dodge all the vendors setting up for the St. James Art fair this weekend. I felt like I got in a good rhythm after mile 3 or so and felt good the rest of the way.
Out: 43:53 (7:58/mile pace)
Back: 44:21 (8:03/mile pace)
Total time: 1:28:14 (8:01/mile pace)
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