Nutrition Info on Menus

Would you read nutritional info on menus at restaurants? Over a dozen states have laws on the books that will require restaurants to post this info on menus or menu boards. Part of one of the versions of the national healthcare bill would require restaurants with 20 or more locations to post nutrition information, along with guidelines on how to interpret the information in the context of an average daily diet. So people say that even if this bill doesn’t pass, federal legislation on menu labeling eventually will.

So what’s your thought on this? Are people not smart enough to know what is healthy and what isn’t? Will people even bother looking at the info? Will they know what it means? Is this the first step to stopping this trend?

Ran 3.05 miles in 21:12 (6:57 min/mile pace)
I wanted to do a short run before getting back into my training program this week. I decided to go a 3 mile run at a fast pace with a little kick at the end. This was kind of a test for the Anthem 5K in two weeks. It was fun to just do a quick little run, but now it’s time to get back into the long, slow endurance runs!

2:00 hours on the bike. It’s been a long time since I could type that! The ride felt good and I only started to feel my knee at the very end. I did a 10 minute warm-up, 45 minute spin class with several long hills, 55 minutes in zone 2, then a 10 minute cool-down followed by icing and stretching. Overall workout was 2:00 hours and I’d guess I covered around 34 miles.
Warm-up HR Avg = 115 bpm
Workout HR Avg = 128 bpm (Zone 2 = 125-137)
Cool-down HR Avg = 105 bpm

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