Best Moment of My 2015 Season…
You would think that setting a 23 minute personal best at Ironman Louisville would be the highlight of my 2015 race season, but that was a distant second to the race I did back in August in tandem with the special needs athletes from The Kids Center. You can read my race report from this race here.
When Becki from The Kids Center contacted me a few weeks ago about featuring me in the Volunteer Profile for their Fall newsletter, I was more than happy to tell her my story. The goal of everything that I do with The Kids Center is to help promote them to the community. They are a local, non-profit organization that depends on donations to keep the doors open. They have never turned down a child in need, regardless of the family’s financial situation. I love working with the people there and every child that I meet fills my heart with joy.Take a minute to read their newsletter linked below and visit their website. If you would like to contribute to this wonderful charity, you can do so here.
Be sure and visit all of my sponsor’s websites. I sought out these companies because they provide great products and services.
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