Kelly Anne Hyndman, a kidney function researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham will tell you that staying hydrated is definitely important, but the idea that the simple act of drinking more water will make people healthier isn’t true. Nor is it correct that most people are walking around chronically dehydrated or that we […]
Tag Archives: water
Is Sparkling Water Healthy?
Saying that sparkling waters are popular is an understatement. Nearly 574 million gallons of sparkling water — $6.1 billion worth — were sold in the U.S. in 2016, the last full year of data, according to Beverage Marketing. And that figure was expected to reach 790 gallons and more than $8.5 million in 2017. Compare […]
What Is Fasting and Should You Be Doing It?
Fasting is getting a lot of press these days. But it’s nothing new. Fasting was a normal practice even as long as 2000 years ago. There are many stories in the Bible of people (including Jesus) fasting for forty days or longer.In January of both 2016 and 2017, I did a week-long water fast. You […]
7 Rules for Eating Healthy at Work
According to the most recent US News report that I could find, 86% of American workers sit all day for their job, I assume almost all of them sit at a desk or some sort of work station. I also assume that most people have heard of the health risks associated with prolonged sitting (it’s […]
Water Fast 2.0
As humans, we’ve always heard, ‘You have to eat. You have to eat.’ The average person thinks that in order to stay alive, the body needs to have food not only every day, but every few hours. But in fact, that’s not true. If you think about it, throughout history, there have been lots of […]
How Dehydration Can Make You Fat and Sick
There is lots of conflicting information out there about how much water we need to drink each day. While I don’t actually keep track, I would guess that I drink somewhere between 90 and 100 ounces of water a day. I have a 24-ounce bottle that I drink from while at work and I probably […]
Plastic Water Bottles – Is It Ok To Reuse Them?
I hope that everyone knows the importance of drinking water. Whether you are an athlete out on a long run or ride or just someone that knows the benefits of sipping on water all day, what you drink out of is important. If you’re refilling a disposable water bottle that isn’t really meant to be […]